In addition to Sarah’s back supporter and mini micro-fleece
moldy travel towel (and her 50 granola bars and 20 pair of underwear), here are
a few things that I could have done without:
- Socks:
It depends on where you are going but usually you can do with very few pairs of
socks. I brought three pairs – 2 pairs of ankle socks and one long pair for
combo warmth and utility. If you are going to a warm place ONLY, I would say,
bring one pair. Unless you are hiking, you don’t need very many and you can
ALWAYS rinse them out and hang them up. (Also, buying these abroad is cheap if
you absolutely need a new pair) However, I tend to bring a lot of underwear. If
I have clean underwear, I feel “clean”. Right?
- Unnecessary
Electronics: 2 chargers, three USB cords, extra batteries… My electronics
bag is probably one of the things that contributes most to the weight of my
pack. However, unfortunately, until Apple, Sony and Amazon start getting along,
you may have to carry at least two cords. I made the mistake of ALSO bringing a
battery operated iPod charger, which was heavy since I also had extra batteries
for it. I did not use it at all. I thought maybe I would be in a place with no
power, but I rarely was. There are plugs in other countries! I would suggest investing
in both a universal charger and a universal adapter and only taking these.
- This brings me to a related subject and the other
thing that weighs down my pack the most, Unnecessary
Toiletries: I am not even really a very girly girl, so I didn’t have makeup
or weird lotions or powders, but I still had A LOT of toiletries! Shampoo,
Conditioner, Soap, Contact Lens Solution, Sunscreen, Fingernail Clippers,
Floss, Toothpaste, A Year’s Supply of Tampons, etc. Unfortunately, you do NEED
a lot of these things. And, some things, such as Tampons and Sunscreen,
depending on where you are going, are scarce. However, I suggest taking small
bottles and buying many things along the way (yes, they do have shampoo pretty
much EVERYWHERE in the World!) Especially of Shampoo and Conditioner – get a
combo and don’t wash your hair as often (gasp). Also, use things for more than
one purpose. Shampoo can also be body wash or laundry detergent. Sunscreen can
be your new body lotion. Tampons can be…no, just kidding.
- Books:
This is a hard one for me, as I don’t want to run out of reading material. When
we started our trip, we had: (1) Lonely Planet Europe, (1) Lonely Planet
Southern Africa, (1) Lonely Planet Africa, (3) Novels – me, (3) Novels – Mr. L.
That is 9 books total, and that doesn't even count my journal, a couple of magazines and a mini notebook for my purse. The LP’s weigh about 45 lbs each*. If you don’t mind
wreaking book havoc, I would say cut out the section of the LP that you need
and only bring that. If you want to keep it, you will have to lug around quite
a heavy book! Now there are also LP’s for iPad, iPhone etc. This may be the way
to go, although I have not tried them to see how they look. They would be a lot
lighter! As for Novels, there are always book swaps at hostels. Sometimes you have to pay a little fee
to swap, but a dollar or two is worth saving your back! I admit, I did read
some pretty horrible strange books while traveling, but there WERE
always books in English! I would say carry one or two. Or get a Kindle! *small exaggeration. They may be about 5 lbs
- Clothes:
Clothes are HEAVY! Think carefully about what you will need, and pack
accordingly. For me, we were not going to any nice places, so I could mostly
pack hiking type stuff that could double as street wear. Get used to wearing
things a few times a week, layering or mixing and matching few items. You may
start out thinking fashion is important, but soon you will realize it all comes
down to how much each thing weighs!
- Food: We,
and by we, mostly I mean my boyfriend, carried around a lot of food. Most of it
we ate. However, there were some things (canned Pate from France) that we
carried around for a long time before finally deciding to ditch. I guess it’s
the survival instinct. It is hard to find non-perishable things that you can
carry easily and eat quickly. They are mostly canned. And heavy. Just try to
plan to go shopping more often and carry less items if you can. This one is
difficult, as it is hard to have enough so if you have a 25 hour bus ride with
no stops you don’t starve, but to not have to carry around 400 lbs of canned
- Weighty
Items in General: When picking out your backpack, tent, jacket or sleeping
bag, it may be worth it to spend a couple (hundred) extra dollars to get the
lightweight versions. I heard about a guy who hiked the Pacific Crest Trail
with only 7 lbs on his back. He hiked it twice in one year (normally one way
takes about 5 or 6 months). Now, I am not suggesting you do that, but if your
sleeping bag weighs one pound versus six, and your pack, tent and jacket are
the same, you will save 5, 10 or 20 lbs just by paying a couple hundred more
for your items. This is the same even if you are not camping. Check the weight
of your items!
Here are a few lists of things I DO like to have with me:
How to Pack
Light For a Long Trip
Top 10 Essentials For Your Pack
More Essential Travel Items
10 Things You Will Be Glad You Lugged Around
Top 10 Essentials For Your Pack
More Essential Travel Items
10 Things You Will Be Glad You Lugged Around
Are there things you have brought with you
on a trip and not used? What is one thing you would leave behind? What is one
thing you cannot live without when traveling?
Great tips! The best advice I ever had was to pack all your 'essential' items, then cut them by half!! The combination shampoo/body wash is a great idea, and happily a tube of mascara takes up virtually NO space (and doesn't weigh much either)!!
ReplyDeleteI can vouch for the greatness of ebooks! I bring an ipad traveling, which has its pros and cons, to be sure, but a definite pro is that I can carry 10 books for the weight of one! Lonely Planet guidebooks, magazines, newspapers, novels... all on the ipad. Plus, when I was done reading a book and needed a new one, I could just get online and buy a new one. It's much harder to whip out the ipad at an intersection to look at a map, but I found that you can generally find a map in every new city, and sometimes it's just better to put the book down and see what happens anyway!